
Proclaimers Distribution

When the nation of Israel had gone astray and had forgotten about God, Ezra “read the

Health Cluster

Christian Mission Aid (CMA) in conjunction with donor partners plays a key role in meeting

Mosiro Food Distribution

It is difficult to fathom how people survive in such a hostile environment. The dry and barren

Youth Bible Camp

Christian Mission Aid focuses on addressing human needs as anchored in her vision, and seeks

LTS Impact: Victory Over FGM in Kuria

Female circumcision better known as female genital mutilation (FGM) is rampant among the Kuria

From a Dreaded Female Circumciser to a Follower of Christ!

Before Robi Wekenge received Christ, the mere mention of her name, the dreaded and menacing

Buckets of Blessings

The number of poor and vulnerable people adversely affected by COVID-19 pandemic in Africa is

Kenya Food Security: Challenges and How You Can Help

Donate to End Hunger: How Your Help Can Change Lives
