LTS Impact: Victory Over FGM in Kuria

LTS Impact: Victory Over FGM in Kuria

Female circumcision better known as female genital mutilation (FGM) is rampant among the Kuria people. According to the Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014, 75 percent of women who have undergone FGM reside in Northeastern, Rift Valley and Nyanza regions. In Nyanza, the Kuria people are extremely notorious for this retrogressive practice.

Victory Over FGM in Kuria

Among the Kuria community, uncut women have lower status, treated as children and are banned from some activities. The stigmatization means that majority of Kuria girls are often keen to undergo the FGM procedure.
Christian Mission Aid (CMA) believes that empowered pastors and church workers are in a better position to engage their communities with the transforming message of Jesus Christ and therefore our Christian Leadership Training Seminars (LTSs) have been very instrumental in empowering and equipping the least trained pastors for effective service in their churches and communities.

In February 2019, CMA did train Kuria pastors and other church workers in practical evangelism. We thereafter challenged the pastors to go out and share Christ with people in their community.
One of the youth worker Rebecca Mbusiro, who was part of the training, took the challenge very seriously by venturing out among the dreaded female circumcisers. Rebecca is young and full of energy and guts. Even in class, she is always very active. She is fairly educated and this year, she helped us with translation during the class seminars.

But confronting a female circumciser was a dare devil exercise in the true sense of the word! But for Rebecca, CMA had trained and equipped her very well in practical evangelism. Coupled with her natural courage, Rebecca was confident enough to visit the dreaded old woman. Armed with the “Four Spiritual Laws” evangelism guide booklet in Kiswahili and faith in God, Rebecca knew that God would go with her!

During the CMA’s training, she had learned that embedded in the Great Commission was God’s assurance and promise of being with his witnesses always to the very end of the age. As she ventured out in faith to engage in this particular exercise, Rebecca met the female circumciser and a lady friend seated in their home. Rebecca’s bravery is legendary, for who could imagine that a young lady in her 20s could confront a seasoned and no nonsense circumciser? Would the lady even listen to Rebecca, a novice and uncircumcised girl, who is considered a “wretched of the earth” among Kuria women?

But God was already at work, the two women keenly listened to the young CMA–trained evangelist. They were convicted of their sins and knew that only Christ would save them. When asked if they were willing to pray to give their lives to Christ, they bowed their heads and prayed! Wow… What a victory and what an encouragement to the young Rebecca!

Rebecca’s joy was great and she dashed back to report to her pastor what had happened! A team was immediately dispatched to meet the old lady to ascertain the news! Yes, it was true, the dreaded female circumciser had surrendered to Christ! It sounded stranger than fiction but it was true.
Would this have happened if CMA had not intervened? Only God knows.

Such stories encourage us to press on! Our Leadership Training Seminars are bearing fruit and fruit that will last! Thank you for making these trainings possible!

This story reminds me of the song by Ray Boltz, the celebrated American singer who penned the immortal words, “Thank you for giving to the Lord… I am a life that was changed… I am so glad you gave.”

But this is not the end of the story. Since the infamous FGM trade was the only source of income for the lady, Rebecca’s church agreed to open a legitimate business for the reformed former FGM lady! Glory be to God.

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