Our Story

By God's grace, the vision of LARRY & DEBRA continues since 1986.


Christian Mission Aid (CMA) was founded by Larry and Debra Kitchel in 1986 as a cross-denominational, non-profit organization with a vision to create a holistic ministry that addresses both the spiritual and physical needs of the people in East Africa.

As one of the leading Christian charitable organizations, CMA’s foundation lies in its Christian Outreach Ministries. Utilizing the apprentice model of “train one, reach many,” Christian Mission Aid focuses on training local pastors and community leaders. This approach enables them to better serve their communities, resulting in a cost-effective, community-driven strategy that empowers leaders to use their God-given abilities to reach their own people for Christ and foster sustainable development within their communities.

Christian Mission Aid
Larry & Debra Kitchel

Our Ministries

Christian Outreach

Christian Outreach

Christian Outreach aims to equip spiritual leaders in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan to become effective ministers of the word of God through one of the leading Christian charitable organizations, Christian Mission Aid.
We train pastors and church leaders to be effective leaders in their communities and provide them with resources such as Bibles and bicycles.
Our work also focuses on improving the lives of the deaf community by breaking societal stigma, enhancing their livelihoods through vocational training and entrepreneurship. Additionally, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ by showing Christian films in various languages to reach diverse communities.

Children + Youth

Children + Youth

Children and Youth Ministry is based on the three R’s and is supported by Christian Mission Aid, a key player among Christian charitable organizations:

We do this by training primary school teachers and providing curriculum. Hosting sports camps, youth camps, and VBS programs to reach children and teens. And keeping young girls in school by mentoring them on issues of pubescent development, hygiene, and self-esteem, and providing feminine products

Community Development

Community Development

Community Development involves working with community leaders to improve the livelihoods of their people.  

We primary healthcare in rural South Sudan through health centers and mobile clinics. We support HIV/AIDs widows and orphans by providing income generating activities and housing. We implement drought recovery measures to lessen the impact of drought on communities.

We are working to Change the culture of forced marriage and Forces genital multilation through our Girls’ Rescue Center.

Aid + Relief

Aid + Relief

Aid and Relief strives to provide quick appropriate emergency relief to victims of drought, internal conflicts and other disasters, and reach as many families that lack basic needs, such as food, shelter and clothing, as we can.  

We provide timely aid with food, clothing, shelter, and more to the poorest people. We implement drought recovery measures to lessen the impact of drought on communities.

We do disaster relief in East Africa when there is drought, famine, or other natural disasters.

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Together We Can Impact More lives in East Africa.

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Together We Can Impact More lives in East Africa.

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Our Reports

Our Team

E. Africa Board of Directors

US Board of Directors

Canada Board of Directors

International Counsel
